Rodin Coil Plans

The quest for sustainable and revolutionary energy sources has led to numerous scientific breakthroughs throughout history. One such groundbreaking discovery is the Rodin Coil, an invention by Marco Rodin that has the potential to reshape our understanding of energy, mathematics, and the universe. This essay explores the plans and theories behind the Rodin Coil, its practical applications, and its connection to the elusive "dark energy."
Rodin Coils for Free Energy and Energy Medicine

Rodin Coils for Free Energy and Energy Medicine

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I. The Rodin Coil Plan

A. Theoretical Foundations

The Rodin Coil is founded on a unique blend of mathematics, physics, and the Ether field theory. It promises to reveal the source of the non-decaying spin of the electron, a mystery that has eluded scientists for generations. By reducing complex mathematical concepts such as calculus, geometry, and scalar math to discrete-number mathematics, Marko Rodin has offered a groundbreaking approach to understanding energy in a new way. Vortex-Based Mathematics introduces a system that describes how energy manifests mathematically, offering a template for the universe as a toroid or donut-shaped black hole, all within our base ten decimal system.

The Rodin Coil Plan: Basis for the ExtraOrdinary Rodin Coil

Rodin Coil Plan (read online):

B. Instructions for Building Rodin Coils

Rodin's discoveries come to life through practical instructions for constructing Rodin Coils. These instructions are available in two versions: the traditional toroidal coil and the kinked or star-shaped Rodin Coil. The winding pattern in a Rodin Coil creates "synchronized electricity" by orienting electrons moving through the windings, minimizing collisions, heat, friction, and reluctance. The doubled circuits, designed to run in opposite, parallel diagonal directions, enhance the flow of electrons. Dotted lines, positioned at multiples of 3, form gap spaces known as equal potential major grooves, further improving the coil's efficiency.

The Rodin Coil Plan: Marco Rodin Coils.pdf

Marco Rodin Coils (read online):

II. The Rodin Solution Project

Marko Rodin's work extends beyond the physical construction of the coil; it delves into the fundamental principles underlying the creation of the universe. Scientists have long sought the source of energy driving the universe, often referred to as "dark matter" or "dark energy." Rodin's research unveils this "dark energy" within the regularities of the decimal number system, a discovery previously undocumented in mathematics. These patterns exist on the surface and within the internal volume of a torus and offer a synthesis of numerical patterns overlooked by conventional science and mathematics. Leading mathematicians, computer scientists, and scientific thinkers have tested, confirmed, and validated this revolutionary discovery, known as the Rodin Solution.


III. Applications and Potential

Beyond the theoretical and mathematical aspects, Rodin's work has practical applications. The Bifilar coil, a vital component in the Rodin Coil, plays a pivotal role in controlling high-frequency wave functions. By harnessing resonant vibrations, the Bifilar coil produces an output power greater than the input power after a brief start-up period. This technology has potential applications in alternating current (AC) generators, where it reduces or eliminates the Lenz force, known as Back EMF. The exploitation of electromotive force from being useless to useful paves the way for self-propelled generators, a concept once explored by the visionary inventor Nikola Tesla.

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🌀 Nikola Tesla's Ether Technology:
💠 Harnessing the power of back electromagnetic fields (Back EMF)
💠 Back EMF generates Lenz's Force in generator 💠 When the output energy is not affected by the Lenz (free) force, a self-powered mechanism will be established from the AC generator head to the induction motor. And the kinetic energy of the induction motor at that time was only supposed to stir the Ether by Nikola Tesla's "Rotating Magnetic Field". That's the mechanism for a Free Energy AC generator - no fuel needed - Self-powered generator.

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The Rodin Coil represents an exciting intersection of mathematics, physics, and energy generation. It not only offers the promise of clean and sustainable energy but also introduces a novel perspective on the fabric of the universe itself. Marko Rodin's contributions to science, mathematics, and energy have the potential to revolutionize various fields, from computer hardware to energy generation. While his work remains on the cutting edge of research, it is a testament to human curiosity and the unrelenting pursuit of understanding the universe and harnessing its hidden energies for the betterment of humanity.

Similar technology: Rodin Coil Free Energy


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